Upcoming Events
Well, Now! Camp for Plant-Based Women Warriors from June 5-8, 2025
Well, Now! Camp: We love hosting our Plant-Based Woman Warrior Camp in beautiful Gambier, OH on the Kenyon College campus. Join us for amazing food, activity, and connection with other Plant-Based Women Warriors! *Do not wait —New pals, Arts and Crafts Class, How to Improvise Class, Writing Class, Dance Class, Delicious Plant-Based Food, and the Talent Show await YOU!
10th Annual Event!
Be a Plant-Based Woman Warrior: The Link Between Plants, Breast Health, Heart Health, Undercarriage Health, and Mental Health
March 8, 2025, Be a Plant-Based Woman Warrior: The Link Between Plants, Breast Health, Heart Health, Undercarriage Health, and Mental Health! Every year the message grows stronger and stronger: Plants + Women = Booming Health! We have curated an all star lineup this year so you will walk away knowing: 1) You are in control of your health destiny simply by choosing what we eat. 2) Eating more plants is simple, delicious, and affordable! We will send you over a dozen recipes to support your path forward!
7.5 APPROVED contact hours!
This CE Activity, OLN-S-3187-2025 offered by Health Care IS Self Care LLC has been
approved for 7.5 contact hours by the Ohio Board of Nursing through the approver unit at the Ohio League for Nursing (OBN-006-92) and the program is approved to be offered through
February 9, 2027.
Let’s Connect:
Book a One-on-One Call
Book a call with Jane, or Jane and Ann, to discuss how to navigate your best way forward with plants! Schedule a phone appointment below, please clarify: 30 or 60 minutes.
Take Control of Your Health
Through Plant-Based Nutrition
High energy, low numbers, and soaring good health result from piling your plate high with plant-based goodness.
Your health is your wealth, take control of it today.